The best & most beautiful things in the world cannot b seen,nor touched...but are felt in the heart

The best & most beautiful things in the world cannot b seen,nor touched...but are felt in the heart
Hellen Keller

And so... it´s time to give the first steps.

Happy 20 to me. There were wonderful gifts (mom: x box live, sis: Paris je t´aime, Fight Club, dad: money, Pepe: Shakespeare´s Complete works in a cool edition) cake(S) nd surprises. Thanks for the 42 comments on feisbú about happy b-day.

Seems I should continue later.

See ya.

1 ¿Algo que opinar?:

Mariana dijo...

Que bueno que te la pasaste increible! :D mil besos!

Kindness is more important than wisdom, and the recognition of this is the beginning of wisdom.

Kindness is more important than wisdom, and the recognition of this is the beginning of wisdom.
Theodore Rubin