The best & most beautiful things in the world cannot b seen,nor touched...but are felt in the heart

The best & most beautiful things in the world cannot b seen,nor touched...but are felt in the heart
Hellen Keller

In the office... (or the "Trailer/teaser" of a summer blockbuster!)

Sè quehace tiempo no esribo... no por que no quiera, sino por falta de tecnologìas en la hermana repùblica de cuernavaca. (Y para los que en este momento piensen "oye, que rico", no tienen idea de lo que dicen, jajaja).

Bueno, como ando en la oficina la verdad es que este post es nada màs para avisar que en poquìsimos dìas, es màs, espero sea mañana, saldrà algo bueno de aqui. Esperenlo, de verdad hay material esta vez!

Para terminar, por la premura de que venga la jefa, jajaja, shiny disco girl, I`m kinda missing you here. Hope your "tough decisions" go the way that your heart tells you to do...

I`ll be right back... after storms end and I can use a PC;) Really have to tell you things!

Just to finish, welcome to the new readers of the space! no matter you`re now bigger and older and wiser, u rock, heheheh;) Great breakfast that saturday.

Stay happy and never stop laughing!

1 ¿Algo que opinar?:

Mariana dijo...

why dont u let her see the feelings that u hide?! ´cause she'll never know

Kindness is more important than wisdom, and the recognition of this is the beginning of wisdom.

Kindness is more important than wisdom, and the recognition of this is the beginning of wisdom.
Theodore Rubin